WhatsApp like Indian app | Namaste Bharat | Download now | YG TECHY

Hello friend's to my blog @ YG TECHY. Today in this new article I want to tell you about a Android app and iOS App. Friend's the most world popular app for sending messages so it is WhatsApp and now India wants to make आत्मनिर्भर.. So India also make the app like WhatsApp . To get all information read the full article. Hello friends I am Yash Ghuge you are reading YG TECHY articles.

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So let start the article.....

So friends so many person use WhatsApp in te world. WhatsApp is the most popular app for messaging and in messaging WhatsApp is on the first step. SO now India wants to make à¤†à¤¤्मनिर्भर. So for that India also publish the app like WhatsApp. The name of the app is Namaste Bharat. To download Namaste Bharat app read this full article in last I give the link to download the app Namaste Bharat.


Friends WhatsApp have so many features and they are very best but in this app features have extended means in this there are more features if we compared to the WhatsApp. This app is same like WhatsApp. But the features are increased. Fully made in India.

Sr. No
Namaste Bharat

Only 16 MB videos can send.
Up to 50 MB videos can send.

WhatsApp has allow to send the word, PDF, excel etc. files
In this Word, excel, Adobe files can be send.
200 + peoples can add group

200 peoples can add in the group.
Status, profile photo etc. can upload
Status, profile photo etc. can upload

To download the app click hear 

Yash Ghuge

Yash Ghuge, with over five years of experience in the blogging field, is dedicated to delivering authentic and insightful content. Specializing in multi niche but mainly focus on Tech, Yash combines a passion for writing with a deep interest in coding and computer engineering. As a current student in computer engineering, Yash brings a unique, informed perspective to each post. For any inquiries or further information, please visit the contact us section. Yash is always eager to connect with readers and fellow enthusiasts. Have a great day!


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