Hello friends how are you? Today this new of YG TECHY I want to aware you about coronavirus. So in this article, you know how to prevent from coronavirus.Friends before the article I would like to tell you that please this article, So other people also be aware of COVID 19 (coronavirus). And post at least one comment in the comment box about how is the article or your opinion about Coronavirus.
So friends before starting the articles I would like to tell you that before this article I also wrote an article about Coronavirus if you want to read that article so please click here. So without wasting time, we should start the article.
So, friends, I am Yash Ghuge and I am a blogger. Now we start the article but before this please post at least 1 comment in the comment box.
So let start the article...
So friends if you don't know what is Coronavirus so please read this carefully.
What is Coronavirus. ?
Coronavirus is a large family of Viruses that may cause illness in animals or humans. In human several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory functions ranging from the common cold to more serve diseases. Such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome [SARS]. But the recently found coronavirus causes coronavirus disease Covid-19 Coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by most recently discovered and before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December 2019.
How to use a proper mask 😷 to prevent form Coronavirus? 😷
Friends these are some tips that how to use a proper mask to prevent coronavirus. Friends this is very important to wear a mask because 80+ countries are suffering from coronavirus. In the world, 🌏 only a few countries are remaining in that coronavirus is not entered.
Please 🙏 post in a comment.
1️⃣ Before applying a mask, wash and clean both hands 🙌 with alcohol-based hand rub, soap or with clean water.
2️⃣ When you are applying the mask you know properly that your nose and mouth are properly covered by a mask. And you sure that there are no gaps between mouth and mask.
3️⃣ And friends this is very important, that, please don't touch your hands 🙌on the front side of the mask. If you touch your hands on the front side of the mask then wash your hands with alcohol-based hand rub, soap or with clean water.
4️⃣ Friends this is also very important that, replace your mask as soon as possible and damp that mask.
5️⃣ please don't use the mask that you damp before.
6️⃣ Now if you want to remove the mask, so remove the mask from the backside. Means don't touch the front side of the mask.
7️⃣ After removing the mask wash hands with alcohol-based hand rub, soap or with clean water.
8️⃣ And you should take care of this thing that, one mask should use only a person 👤.
The coronavirus can enter in any human body. But the people who are about 60 age or nearby or more than 60 age they are very serious about their health 🏥.
Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus.
Friends, please stay aware of coronavirus. COVID-19 is now affecting so people in China as well as in other countries. Till now about 80+ countries are affected by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Most people who infected experience mild illness and recovered, but it can be more service for others.
Wash your hands 🙌 frequently.
Friends in this article I am telling you so many time that wash your hands behind this there is a reason that:-
What Is Reason?
Friends after washing the hands with
alcohol-based hand rub, soap or with clean water because it kills the virus that are present on your hands are washed through the water.
Maintain social distancing.
Please maintain at least 1-meter means
[3 feet] distance between yourself and any other person or cough or sneezes.
Why should we maintain social distancing?
When any person coughs or sneezes so when they are coughing or sneezing at that time they spray some tiny small particles from their nose or mouth. Which may contain some viruses. If you are too close of any person they you are breathing a droplet the COVID-19 virus means [Coronavirus] also present in that. So this virus also spread like these.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
Friends really tell me that, you should touch your hands at many things and can't wash and just start eating. Tell me in the comment. So now we come on the topic When you touch several things, so many types of viruses are stick on your hands. If they stuck on your hands then if you touch your hands to eyes, nose or to the mouth then the virus also inserts in your body through mouth, nose or through eyes. In that COVID-19 is also should be present.
Practice respiratory system.
Friends, you should know that the people who are around you must follow good 👍 respiratory hygiene. Means I want to tell you that if you are coughing or sneezing then you should cover your mouth & nose with your bent elbow or tissue immediately.
If you have a fever, cough or difficulty in breathing.
If you have a fever, cough or difficulty in taking breathing then you should stay at home 🏡 or if you feel unwell so also you should stay at home or you should go immediately to the doctor 🏥.
So, friends, these are some precautions of COVID-19. YG TECHY.
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